How does a nurse help in post-natal services?
As per nursing services in Noida , a nurse plays a vital role in providing postnatal services and support to mothers and their newborns. Here are some ways in which a nurse helps in postnatal care: Monitoring Mother's Health: A nurse assesses the physical and emotional well-being of the mother following childbirth. They monitor vital signs, check for signs of complications, assess incision sites (if applicable), and provide pain management. Assisting with Breastfeeding: Nursing services in Civil Lines offer guidance and support for breastfeeding, including helping mothers with latching techniques, positioning, and addressing any breastfeeding challenges or concerns. They can also educate mothers on proper breast milk storage and provide information on pumping and bottle-feeding if needed. Newborn Care Education: Nurses provide education and hands-on training to new mothers on various aspects of newborn care. This includes demonstrating bathing techniques, diapering, cord care,...