What are the roles of Medical Attendants towards patients | What an Attendant do? | Patient Attendant Delhi |
If someone wants to study or know the role of Patient Attendant Services Delhi , first they need to understand the responsibility of attendants towards patients. An attendant is basically the caretaker of a patient could be male or female as per the patient or his family preference. He or she should be proficient towards their work. Regardless of whether it is meeting or taking care of patients, giving medicines, or keeping up with patient records, they need to do their job at every last point in the most gifted and moral way. The role of Medical attendant in Delhi is vital as he or she has to play several responsibilities which includes time management. Time management in attendants' life is not just timely care but it includes eating time, sleeping time, providing medicine care to patients from time to time, and also should be aware which medicine has to be given on which time of the day like morning, afternoon or bed time. Attendants should also take in notice the timel...